Dear Friends,
As of today, I am six years alcohol-free! I haven’t had a drink in all that time, and I really don’t miss it any longer. That’s not to say that the past year has been super easy, but I am still better off today that I could have ever imagined.
When I began my sixth year without drinking, I was struggling to find another habit to grab ahold of. I was getting wrapped up in all of the things I felt I was missing out on. As a person who experiences addiction, I often find myself wanting something more, but that doesn’t mean I will always feel tortured by this desire. I know it’s important to focus my energy on the positive things in life. I have so much to be thankful for, but I was struggling to try and live up to self-imposed standards of excellence that were extreme.
Thankfully, over the past few months, I have started to take better care of my mind, body, and spirit in all of the things that I choose to do. That was key for me. I realized that I have a choice, and that I am responsible to act for myself and own the consequences. Whenever things seem out of control, I now have learned to stop, take a deep breath (or three), and recite the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Now, I am doing my best to focus on the things that are truly important. I am trying not to let challenging situations discourage me. I am also trying to accept that every day won’t be perfect. In order to truly learn, we must allow ourselves to fail, so that we can grow.
I believe that God has created me for a purpose. His plan has been set into action, and my responsibility is to show up and walk a faithful walk. I don’t need to be perfect, but I want to live with a heart full of love for others.
So, my plan for this year is to remind myself daily that when things are getting dicey, it’s because I’m trying to be in control of the situation, and most likely I have missed an important detail. My job is not to drive this magic bus, but to be in a good seat with a great view of all of the blessings that I have received.
Thank you so much for being a part of my journey, for reading this story, and supporting my efforts to improve my life. If I may offer any encouragement to those on a similar path, please don’t give up, and when you fail (as we all do), don’t let that failure become a setback. Instead, pick yourself up, and use it as an opportunity to launch yourself in a positive direction.
Feel free to drop me an email if you need some love and support. I’ve got your back! It can be a great journey this year and we’re all stronger together. —Rob
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Thanks for sharing Rob! Congratulations on your accomplishments. Blessings, Lori Lanier
Congratulations on 6 years sober! I commend you for being open and honest about it.
Thank you for being open and honest in your journey to wholeness. You inspire me and I am not even addicted to anything! But I can see how many of your goals and helpful ideas will work in my everyday life. Thank you.
Keep up the good work! I’m going on 20 yrs. alcohol free. Don’t need it, and honestly don’t even think about it anymore. But, can’t get too cocky. There may come a day….. and I pray I’ll know what to do if that day comes. I’ve been lucky to have a lot of support with friends and family. And, my life has improved ten fold. I don’t mind being around people who drink, because there are a lot of them. But, I prefer to focus on actually accomplishing something or just staying active as opposed to sitting around watching people get drunk. Maybe I’m a sobriety snob? Life is too good, why do everything in your power to avoid it. Stay sober, stay strong & live a great life!!!!
As an adult daughter of an alcoholic…who sadly could not beat this demon…I somewhat understand how difficult the fight must be. Congratulations on overcoming it and continuing to work on yourself and inspire many thousands of people on a daily basis!!!!
I admire your courage and humility in sharing your journey. God knows we are not perfect, that is why He gave us His grace, which is undeserved forgiveness. Understanding that none of us are perfect, allows us to extend grace to others. Well done Rob, you are an inspiration
Rob, you are an amazing example of all things good in this world. You played a hand that wasn’t right for you and found a way to make things right. Your continued pursuit of the path you were meant to follow is a testament of the strong man you are today. All this shows thru your quilt art. Stay strong and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
Congratulations and thank you for keeping things real. What a breath of fresh air to share your talent teaching and transparency in such positive ways.
You are on a great path when you decide every day to stay sober. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment!
Way to go. Your words are inspirational to us too. Thank you for sharing.
That is a great thing Rob. Congrats, high five, handshake and hug! My grandfather was a recovering alcoholic when I was born and I still remember going to AA meetings with him as a tiny got bc he passed when I was 6. One of my most treasured possessions is his 24 hours a day book and the plaquard he penned with the serenity prayer
I am so Blessed that you shared your story with me. My dad was a recovering alcoholic and I say recovering because it will always be a battle within yourself. He passed away in 2009 but he was many years sober and I am thankful for that. Congratulations on making it this far and may God give you the strength to keep going. Sharing your story is a great thing and the way you put it into words is so beautifully done. God Bless you and everyone you touch!
Keep striving to stay free, keep believing that you can make, keep pressing towards the positive energy, remember that there is a higher purpose for your life, be encouraged in your spirit, keep your resources very near and handy and know that with sharing your story you have a lot more people rooting and praying for your success.
Way to go. One day at a time. I am so proud of you.
Proud of you.
Congratulations on your anniversary. I was directed to your site through a Pinterest pin about Free Motion quilting, but checked on your blog, which I normally don’t do. Your writing here is inspirational to me, and very applicable to my life as I entered this year trying to better myself, but found myself last week in the hospital in the throes of depression. After reading this I am reminded that God is at the wheel, and I just need to take a step back from trying to over control my own life. Thank you!
Congratulations Rob!!!
I have been following your YouTube tutes and also about your journey of recovery from alcohol. 6 years and counting! Incredible! Your words really touch and encourage me. God bless your efforts and your spirit.