With the new Star Wars movie coming out next month, we HAD to do an outer space quilt tutorial! The Out of This World Quilt is a fun way to practice your raw-edge applique skills! Click HERE to get all the details!
Gears Quilt
This week’s tutorial is bursting with movement and is fun to make! Check out how to make the Gears Quilt Get all the details HERE!
Free Motion Basics
Free motion quilting can be a little intimidating at first, I’ve been there! Now it’s my favorite part of quilting! Follow along in this week’s Manly Monday tutorial on how to Free Motion Quilt! We’re going to take your skills to the next level!
Click HERE to get all the details!
Slice a Block Quilt
It’s another Manly Monday which means another Man Sewing tutorial! Check out today’s new tutorial on how to make the Slice a Block Quilt! This is a fun way to use blender fabrics! We hope you love it as much as we do!
Click HERE to get all the details!
Diamond Dreams Quilt
This week’s tutorial is easy and fun to make! This quilt is constructed entirely with half square triangles made from 10 inch squares! You’ll be dreaming of diamonds after watching this tutorial!
Click HERE to get all the details to make this quilt!
Dancing Dots Quilt
I think we’ve all worked on a project when we just didn’t have enough fabric! You know the drill, you buy what you think is plenty of fabric, get to work and then BOOM! You’re running out of fabric and you’re not even close to being done! You could go get more fabric but you’re on a deadline! Maybe it’s just me, but that is exactly what happened for this project when I designed it many years ago! I had to use every little scrap I had to make the background big enough to do my applique patterns on top!
Although I was sweating over it at the time, I ended up changing the original pattern to match the creation I made in a crunch! I loved the new scrappy look that it had!
This quilt is fun because of the muted background that gives movement and the Dancing Dots on the top that are appliqued down! It’s a great project because we can practice some curved piecing, straight piecing and even applique! I hope you enjoy this tutorial!
Click HERE for all the details!
You can also watch it here!
Framed Fiber Art
Have you ever bought fabric that ends up sitting on a shelf because it’s just too perfect to use? Or maybe you bought it for a project, then switched gears and went with a different color scheme instead, leaving that fabric to collect dust and go out of print. This week’s tutorial is perfect for those precious pieces that we love but don’t have plans for! Follow along as Rob shows us how to embellish and machine quilt a piece of fabric to become Framed Fiber Art!! Enjoy!
Click HERE for all the details!

Reverse Applique Tutorial
This week’s tutorial is super fun! I know I say that every week, but I really mean it this time!! I love applique and I love to explore the possibilities of applique! Check out the new tutorial to learn how to make this Reversed Applique Quilt!!
Click HERE for all the details!
You can also view it here:
Coming Home Quilt
There is something majestic about seeing an eagle. Whether it’s flying overhead, your favorite team’s mascot or even on a quilt, eagles are beautiful creatures. Eagles are especially beautiful if you live in the US like me! They represent freedom and the birth of our great nation!
This fun quilt was originally made for Quilted In Honor. Quilted In Honor (QIH), led by Island Batik, is a fund raising initiative for Operation Homefront, one of the top military fund raising organizations, and is intended to harness the collective power of the quilting industry to give back to the ones that need it most. I was so happy to work with such a great organization and help those who have protected our freedoms.
Click here for all the details to make this: http://land.mansewing.com/coming-home/?utm_source=mscom&utm_medium=lp&utm_campaign=tms21
Design Your Own Appliqué
I’m so excited to share this tutorial with you. If you’ve ever wanted to create your own appliqué pieces, this tutorial is for you! In this video we’ll show you how to take a photograph that you love and turn it into an appliqué pattern! “Appliqué” won’t be such a scary word once you watch this!
Click on the link for all the details: http://land.mansewing.com/design-your-own-applique/