Reusable Grocery Bag

Learn to make a Reusable Grocery Bag with this tutorial!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a giant floating island of trash that stretches from Hawaii to Japan. It covers an area larger than the continental United States, and it gets bigger every single year.

Rob Appell from Man Sewing created this awesome tutorial to make this reusable bag!

You can be part of the solution with my eco-friendly Reusable Grocery Bag. It’s super simple to make and extremely durable. Use it in place of plastic shopping bags – Mother Earth will thank you!

Click HERE to watch the tutorial!

Click HERE for a free downloadable PDF!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

Half Burst Strip Quilt

Check out Rob's super sweet block using the Burst Block Template.

Check out Rob's epic tutorial on the Half Burst Strip Quilt!


























In 1905, an eleven-year-old boy accidentally invented the popsicle. He had intended to make a batch of flavored soda, but he left the concoction out in the cold all night and it froze solid – stir stick and all. Luckily, the unexpected result was even better than the original plan!

Rob has found another great way to use his Burst Template!














When I first started designing this week’s quilt, I had a pretty clear picture of what I wanted it to look like. My plans took a complete 180, however, and I ended up with the Half Burst Block. Click HERE to see this unexpectedly awesome pattern!


Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

A 5 Year Reflection

Rob with Coin

Wow, how quickly this past year has gone by. As I hit this next mile stone, five years without a drink, I look back and really need both hands to count all of the blessings.

In the past few months I have been reunited with my quilt “and the Flag was still there” – a quilt that I have donated to Operation Home Front and now am on the final fund raising drive to finish the Mission. You can read more about that HERE.

Then my dream of inventing the coolest, smallest rotary cutter for appliqué finally came true. I have worked for the past four years to develop The Shark Applicutter and it launched into the market with a huge success. I am very proud to have created a tool that works so well for my style of appliqué cutting. The Man Sewing brand is growing by leaps and bounds and most importantly we are having a blast creating the free tutorials and all of the other fantastic content for all of our fans!

But, you know you can trust me to give it to you straight. So as I approach this anniversary I have also been troubled greatly with an overwhelming rawness to my emotions. It has been explained to me that after years of drowning my emotions, they are growing back and they, like the rest of my body, are becoming stronger. I cannot say that I have been over the top happy this past several months. I found myself feeling on the top of the world during my third and fourth years. First due to the physical and mental improvements in my life, then for the ability to convert my dreams into action due to the newly found strength. Now as I reflect back I find myself plagued by thoughts of lost time and bad decisions from my past.

5 year coin

I am a man of faith, and truly believe that this is all part of God’s big plan. I know that my eyes should stay focused on the future. Looking back just leads to more unanswered questions and fear of what I was really running from when I ended up at the bottom of the bottle.  Each day offers new challenges and what I wish to remind myself of is the simple decision that I needed to make. That for me, recovery is a lifetime choice that I must live out one day at a time. If you are on a similar journey I wish you all the strength in the world, keep pushing on I know it is worth it.

How To Add Netting To A Landscape Quilt

Learn how neat adding netting to a landscape quilt!

Freestyle applique leaves you with a million raw edges. And then, when it’s time for machine quilting, you have to carefully stitch along the perimeter of each piece. Frankly, it cramps my “free” style.


Rob Appell shows you how adding netting to a  landscape quilt creates so much texture!

Today I’ll show you how to add a layer of nylon netting over your quilt top. It’ll hold everything in place so your stitch patterns can be wild and free.

Click HERE to watch the vid!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!


Indestructible Luggage Tag

Check out Man Sewing's Indestructible Luggage Tag Tutorial!

Never fear for lost luggage with this  Indestructible Luggage Tag!

Globe trotters, today’s your day! I’m working on a fabric luggage tag that can really take a beating. It’s made from a solid piece of James Thompson canvas, so it’s incredibly strong and durable.
Customize this project with your favorite fabric color, cool decorative stitching, or even a bit of applique. Then slide in your business card, and you’ve got a unique tag that’ll last for years to come. 

Let Rob from Man Sewing show you how to make this neat Indestructible Luggage Tag!

Click HERE to get the free downloadable PDF!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

How to Travel the Man Sewing Way!

Man Sewing gives me a lot of fun opportunities to travel and I’ve become a bit of an expert, if I do say so myself. Traveling can be cumbersome and draining, or it can be smooth sailing. I prefer to make things as easy as possible on myself and plan ahead. I’ve even used quite a few of my own tutorials to whip up some awesome accessories to carry along with me wherever I go. So take my advice, the extra suitcase is worth it to carry along the comforts of home.

Useful Travel Tips from Rob Appell of Man Sewing!

My travel must-haves include:

  • A tablet. This incredible device has just about everything I need to keep myself entertained, whether it’s with a book, videos, or music. Plus, it includes maps and email, to keep me connected. Did you know, tablets don’t even have to be stowed before the plane takes off, so I get extra time to chill.

Useful Travel Tips from Rob Appell of Man Sewing

  • Noise-cancelling headphones. Carve out a little piece of privacy with these lightweight, high quality headphones. And they don’t drain your battery life because they attach the old school way, with a cord.
  • My personalized coffee kit. I’m pretty particular about the way I like my java, so I skip the Starbucks line and whip up my own fresh batch of brew with a French press travel mug. It’s a total lifesaver. It also allows me to carry along energy bars and muesli too, which I can eat hot or cold. Watch my Kraft-Tex Coffee Kit Tutorial HERE

Kraft-Tex Coffee Kit Tutorial with Rob Appell of Man Sewing

  • A yoga mat. Every morning I like to start my day off with a zen moment. This yoga mat fits in my suitcase and goes everywhere I go. Did you know that some airports even have yoga rooms? I couldn’t believe it myself!
  • A Man Sewing water bottle. I don’t go anywhere without it! Stay hydrated with this rugged, stainless steel, wood-finish water bottle by Rockit. Keep it empty on the way into the airport, go through security, and then fill it up for the rest of your trip.

Rob Appell at Quilt Market 2016 with his Man Sewing water bottle.

  • My knitting tool caddy. When the urge to create strikes me, I’m always ready. Knitting is a great way to pass the time when I’m traveling, and it keeps me calm when the road might get a little rough. Learn how to make your own knitting tool caddy HERE

Knitting Tool Caddy Tutorial by Rob Appell of Man Sewing

  • A power adapter. Do NOT forget this handy item! Stay charged up between flights and keep yourself from getting bored while traveling. There’s nothing worse than running out of battery life at the beginning of a long flight.

Before you hop on that plane, remember, a Man Sewing trip is much more fun than just a regular trip. Traveling can be a lot easier when you have the essentials. Catch you later!

Introducing the Man Sewing Shark Applicutter!

I cannot begin to say how excited I am to share this news with you. My new Shark Applicutter rotary cutter is now available for purchase (at! This product has been in my head for years and I am so happy to finally be able to share it with all of you! This cutter is the perfect tool for applique and other detailed projects! The 14mm blade is the smallest available, perfect for those curves and tight angles.

Watch the video to see it in action!

The Shark Applicutter makes intricate cuts easier and more exact with these great features:

  • Adapts for left or right hand.
  • Soft, comfortable grip.
  • Finger-protecting safety fin.
  • 14mm blade that slices with incredible accuracy.
  • Designed for applique, but great for any project.

Try out Rob Appell's brand new Shark Applicutter!

I can’t wait to hear about your experiences once you get to try it out for yourselves! It’s available at Missouri Star Quilt Company HERE.

FMQ Skills & Drills: Squares and Arc

Learn to FMQ this modern Square & Arc design with Rob Appell of Man Sewing

Learn a modern Square & Arc FMQ technique!

Rob demonstrates a square and arc stitch motif for FMQ on a home sewing machine. This design is perfect for a modern quilt pattern or even to bring more life to a solid choice in fabric! He uses Machingers Quilting Gloves and a Sew Slip Multi Purpose Sheet as he quilts.

Skills & Drills on FMQ with Rob Appell of Man Sewing!

Click HERE to get supplies

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!