We can’t believe it’s already the middle of March! Time sure has zipped right by! You know what they say though, time flies when you’re having fun and that’s exactly how Rob has felt! He has been a busy guy, traveling and teaching his passion of quilting! So far this year, he has been up and down the California coast doing what he does best, having fun with his fans!!! If you’ve ever had the chance to meet Rob, then you understand how passionate he is about quilting! No matter where he goes, he’s bringing it up in conversation! At the grocery store, on the beach, on the plane to Hamilton, MO to film new tutorials, he really wants the world to know how great sewing is! Thank you for following along with Man Sewing and helping Rob to share his passion for quilting with you!! Check out these fun photos from the last few months of Rob’s travels!

I always have blast when I get to travel and teach the craft I’m most passionate about! Thanks for having me!! #mansewing #3dudesquilt #Repost @familythreadsquiltshop ・・・ We were so thrilled to have @robappell @mansewing at the shop today, through our local guild. Everyone enjoyed it and got lots done! #quiltygalsatfamilythreads #mansewing A photo posted by Man Sewing with Rob Appell (@mansewing) on
Can’t wait to take Rob’s class in Sister’s in July!