The technology we have today is incredible! We can push a button on a machine in our kitchen and our food is cooked, we didn’t even have to gather wood or tend a fire! We can lay in bed in our pajamas, teeth not even brushed yet and order fabric to be sent right to your doorstep! We can send messages to people across the world without even picking up a writing utensil! The conveniences we have are phenomenal!
**SOAP BOX OPINION** Yes, technology has made the world a more simple place (Except when I can’t get my wifi to work! Game over when that happens!) but I remember the days of hand written letters and anxiously waiting for the mailman to arrive! Although I love waiting for the mailman these days when a box of fabric is headed my way, I miss the times of sentimental hand written letters and cards! Bills don’t quite qualify…
This week’s tutorial is a fun and easy way to bring back snail mail! Fabric postcards!!! That’s right, post cards made entirely of fabric! These are so fun to make AND receive!
Just fantastic! Fabric choice is excellent! What’s the address to send one snail mail?
Joyce, we were just kidding, you don’t have to send Man Sewing a post card, thanks for being so sweet though! Our fans are the best!!
Postcards can be larger than 4 x 6 inches. 4 x 6 inch cards weighing less than an ounce get postcard postage pricing. Larger postcards get letter size pricing.