Have you ever tried to make a grilled cheese sandwich with an iron? Used a butter knife as a screwdriver? Hammered a nail in the wall with the heel of one of your wife’s good pumps? Sure, you can “make do,” but life is so much easier when you’ve got the right tools for the job.

This week I’m working on appliqued stained glass. This is a super fun project, and with the right tools, it really is simple! To create black “lead” lines, I’m using heat activated Quick Bias Tape. It follows the curves of the design with ease, and my Clover Mini Iron allows me to tack it down exactly where I want it. (Of course, I’ve got my favorite stiletto tool to help with precise positioning.) Finally, I use a twin needle to stitch both edges of the “leading” in one fell swoop. Easy peasy.
Click HERE to learn how to do Stained Glass Applique the easy way!