FMQ Skills & Drills: Trapunto


When I’m working on a Trapunto quilt, I layer extra pieces of batting in certain areas of the quilt to create a nice, puffy loft. Then I go to town quilting tight, intricate designs everywhere else. 

Learn how to trapunto quilt with Rob

The result is a high-contrast 3D texture that looks much more difficult than it really is. Click HERE to watch the vid.

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

Gator Quilt: Burst Block with a Twist

Create a Gator Quilt with Rob

Create a Gator Quilt with Rob

If you’ve been following Man Sewing for long, you know I love working with The Burst Block. (Check out the entire Burst Block playlist HERE.) My Burst Block Template makes construction simple, and there are so many cool ways to put these blocks together, I can’t help but rebuild this quilt every once in awhile.

Create a Gator Quilt with Rob!
This week’s Gator Quilt is my newest Burst Block creation, and with this fun, twisty layout, you don’t have to worry about lining up seams!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

FMQ Skills and Drills: Basic Twist

FMQ Skills and Drills: Basic Twist with Rob Appell

FMQ Skills and Drills: Basic Twist with Rob Appell

Come on, baby! Let’s do the twist!

It’s time for another Free Motion Quilting tutorial. This week, we’re working on a Basic Twist.  It’s a simple motif that packs a punch when you need to fill large areas. In this tutorial, I’ll show you two versions of this design, so pick your favorite and start stitching! Click HERE to watch the vid.

FMQ Skills and Drills: Basic Twist with Rob Appell
(This is the 17th video in my FMQ series. I’ve gone over techniques, troubleshooting, and tons of cool motifs. Check out the entire collection HERE!)

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

Checkered Cross Quilt

Let Rob show you a great spin to the Burst Block!

In many forms of art, there are no shortcuts. No “marble carving made easy.” No “glass blowing for dummies.” Talent must be honed over years of meticulous practice, and even then, it takes a good dose of natural ability to succeed.

Watch as Rob shows you a fun trick with HST!

Luckily, quilting is one art that can be enjoyed by just about everyone, no matter your skill level. Today’s Checkered Cross is an intricate design, but the construction is so simple, even a beginner can tackle this quilt! Click HERE to watch the vid!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!


Hexagon Color Wheel Quilt

Create a colorful Hexagon Color Wheel Quilt

Crank up the tunes and get comfy, folks, cuz we’re headed for a piecing palooza!

Create a colorful Hexagon Color Wheel Quilt

Today I’m stitching together a sea of gray hexagons. Add a punch of rainbow-ordered color, and you’ve got a super-modern color wheel! If you enjoy the piecing process as much as I do, this quilt is going to rock your world! Click HERE to watch the tutorial

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

Garden Quilt

Cultivate a colorful quilt with my Garden Quilt tutorial

The Garden Quilt is a softer, more organic version of one of my favorite patterns, The Gears Quilt.

Cultivate a colorful quilt with my Garden Quilt tutorial

I use miniature pinwheels as the background, layer on some killer floral applique, and finish it off with my signature free-motion quilting. This garden is bold and modern, and it’s a cinch to put together. Click HERE to watch the vid!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

Island Sunset

Check out this easy tutorial on Disappearing HST

When the sun sets over the ocean, you get a magnificent burst of color – but it only lasts a few moments. Today I’m stitching up an Island Sunset that will remain brilliant for years to come!

Rob Appell from Man Sewing shows you how to create an easy tutorial on Disappearing HST
This quilt was inspired by Missouri Star’s Disappearing Pinwheel. It’s a project that looks complex, but the truth is, it couldn’t be easier! Click HERE to watch the tutorial!


Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

Half Burst Strip Quilt

Check out Rob's super sweet block using the Burst Block Template.

Check out Rob's epic tutorial on the Half Burst Strip Quilt!


























In 1905, an eleven-year-old boy accidentally invented the popsicle. He had intended to make a batch of flavored soda, but he left the concoction out in the cold all night and it froze solid – stir stick and all. Luckily, the unexpected result was even better than the original plan!

Rob has found another great way to use his Burst Template!














When I first started designing this week’s quilt, I had a pretty clear picture of what I wanted it to look like. My plans took a complete 180, however, and I ended up with the Half Burst Block. Click HERE to see this unexpectedly awesome pattern!


Check out a new tutorial every Monday!

How To Add Netting To A Landscape Quilt

Learn how neat adding netting to a landscape quilt!

Freestyle applique leaves you with a million raw edges. And then, when it’s time for machine quilting, you have to carefully stitch along the perimeter of each piece. Frankly, it cramps my “free” style.


Rob Appell shows you how adding netting to a  landscape quilt creates so much texture!

Today I’ll show you how to add a layer of nylon netting over your quilt top. It’ll hold everything in place so your stitch patterns can be wild and free.

Click HERE to watch the vid!

Check out a new tutorial every Monday!